This has been a very interesting week. Not only did a motorcycle run over my foot (I am now sporting the blue and purple outline of a bruise to prove it) but I also did put my not so vast emergency medicine knowledge to good use when a lady fell and banged her head on the bus. Apparently most people run when they see blood. Us med students get an adrenaline rush and start using really long words.
I also found out that if I were stuck with my friends in a jungle and I were limping, they'd leave me there. No biggie, I'd do the same, survival of the fittest and all that. They did say they'd get me at one point. After the book deal of course.
But even through early hospital hours and accidents, I still squeezed my feet into a pair of heels and tippy-toed last night to the AloChic Meet party held by the AloModa team. Be it rain or snow or sleep, I will never pass up the chance to spend a girls' night out with some very stylish ladies.
There were Cosmopolitans. There were great shoes. There were really cute outfits. It was very much fun indeed and I got to meet and reconnect with some wonderful girls.

Like I said, not even motorcycles will stop me from wearing heels.
Wearing: Zara dress and blazer, Musette booties, vintage bracelet, unknown brand (yet amazing!) comic book tights, Musette bag.

Pixie Shoes and AloModa collaborated and from those two style powerhouses came two beautiful pairs of shoes. I am convinced I wasn't the only one who wanted to run away with them!

A lot of swooning was happening over Dada's skirt.

I was this close to stealing one of these Paul Smith for Evian water bottles for The Boy because he is crazy over them.

The dress. The dress! My love for the night.

Stylish girls being stylish.

Florina and I doing our best posing for the camera looks ♥

Thank you Edi for these photos!
Song of the Day: Katy B - Katy On a Mission