Day Three:

I can't remember what the name of this church was but is was really close to our hotel and it was beautiful.

The road to the Colosseum.

I loved the actors dressed as Romans. Especially considering the fact that they all had phones!

Colosseum. Honestly, it was my least favorite thing in Rome. But I think that's just me and my complete bleh reaction to ruins (or, as I call them, rocks). I spent my childhood seeing all of them in Greece and Turkey so I think my enthusiasm died then :P

C'est moi :)

Roman Forum. My mom went and visited that while I stayed in the nice shade, eating coconuts and dipping my feet in a fountain.

The Trevi Fountain, aka my favorite place in Rome. (We will be seeing it again because I dragged my mom to it almost everyday)

Love. The. Streets!

We stopped at another church where we saw a wedding. They both looked absolutely gorgeous!
Day Three:

What did I tell you about the Trevi Fountain? I loved it and in this day we were almost the first people there, it was a very very beautiful morning!

Couldn't visit Rome and not eat the famous gellato, now could we? It really is as delicious as they say.
Piazza di Spagna (Spanich Steps) and my mom and her pink hat.

All the high class shops wre sittuated around the Spanish Steps. Eye candy for the rich.

Ahem, narcissistic moment.

Here we are in
Piazza del Popolo. My mom and I matched that day :)

Very nice little church there.

We took a detour throught the Villa Borghese gardens.

Romanian pride ;D

View from the gardens. The one day I wore an incredibly short dress was the day the wind was blaring!

Piazza del Popolo again as we came down from the garden terraces.

My favorite guy. He fell asleep as we were resting our feet and kept on sleeping even though the piazza was so loud! Wish I had that talent!

Posting will be scarce this week because life is a bit hectic and crazy right now, the weather is cold and wet and the friends are all over the place too. Wish me luck guys, and I will not be saying no to any Starbucks sent my way, just so you know ;)