You can't get rid of Starbucks as much as you try.
I admit that this has not been the best Christmas holiday I've ever lived. Too many things broken and too big pieces of my heart getting lost have overshadowed the jolly old time of the year.
But then I got to spend some time with my closest friends and with some amazing girls I hadn't seen in so long (too long) and with whom I forgot how well I get along with, and then... well then I think that maybe there is a twinkle at the end of the tunnel after all. Hope dies last and so on.
You lose some, you win some, I guess. Thank you to the people who gave free hugs, offered smiles and gingerbread cookies (you know you are. and if you don't, just remind me to hug you a lot when I see you next time) and helped me smile for real for the first time in what feels like ages. I might start doing that a lot more often from now on.
But then I got to spend some time with my closest friends and with some amazing girls I hadn't seen in so long (too long) and with whom I forgot how well I get along with, and then... well then I think that maybe there is a twinkle at the end of the tunnel after all. Hope dies last and so on.
You lose some, you win some, I guess. Thank you to the people who gave free hugs, offered smiles and gingerbread cookies (you know you are. and if you don't, just remind me to hug you a lot when I see you next time) and helped me smile for real for the first time in what feels like ages. I might start doing that a lot more often from now on.

Best hair clip ever, right?

Laura (who is at school abroad but who came back to visit for Christmas and I am glad she did!) and Mada.

Livia and Dana being too photogenic ;P

Dana was a little Santa helper. Roxana (who I had not seen in too long a time) joined in my love for black. Great minds think alike!

Dana's puppy, Fitzy, and I under the tree waiting for Santa to see how good girls we've been all year long.

Livia and I bonded over our love for wine and Bailey's and white tights ;)

I was the victim of a Snuggle Attack.

Yeah, I know, I have gorgeous friends :D

I will not deny the fact that I was a little bit drunk by the time this photo was taken, ahem.
Song of the Day: Spoon - I Turn My Camera On