Here's something to make my day. I got this sweet award from an even sweeter girl, Ruxandra at Daydreamer. Thanks so much doll, a lot of e-hugs going your way!
I have to share 10 facts about me, so here they are:
1. English is my second language but I swear that sometimes it's tied for first place with Romanian. I've been speaking English since I was 5 years old and for me it doesn't matter which of them I choose to speak cause it's just the same for me. Strangely, I also prefer British English and can always whip out the posh accent, especially for exams ;)
2. Even though I'm a creature of comfort, I do adore all things posh. Strong perfumes, velvet pillows, expensive dark chocolate, feathers and pearls, silk neck ties, big chunky cocktail rings, leather bound books. Love them!
3. I am such a book worm. I love curling up on my bed with a good book. Surprisingly, I wasn't an avid reader when I was a child but along came highschool and bam! the book worm in me pounced on anything it could get its greedy little hands on. Right now I am in love with F. Scott FItzgerard and Chuck Palahniuk.
4. I am walking example of the "sadistic" med student type. I actually did a little victory dance in the hospital hallway when I learned that I could watch a brain tumor operation. And I get excited at the mention of "surgery" or "blood"
5. And I am afraid of needles. Ironic, n'est pas?
6. I think I fall in love with cute strangers every day. On the bus, at school, at a cafe. I think it's because I've watched too many romantic movies when growing up.
7. I'm a very touchy-feely person. I hug, I cuddle, I hold hands, I smooch, I kiss, I pounce, I snuggle, I cling etcetera.
8. I am the kind of person that would probably forget to pay the water bill or electrical bill because she bought shoes with that money. Thank god I love candle light and have best friends who will always take me in for a hot shower.
9. I can watch the same movie or listen to the same song over and over again. I love getting everything I can from it, watching and listening until I am sure I got everything it had to offer. And then I might not bother with it for months or years to come.
10. I love and am attracted like crazy to sparkly and shiny things. Like a fish. Or a magpie. That goes "Ooooooh, shiny!!" and gets this glazed look in its eyes.
Song of the Day: The All-American Rejects - The Wind Blows
(Thanks to Lilianne for recommending this song, it's my new favorite for the week!)
LOL at "thank God I love candlelight." Well, it is very flattering to the complexion! :-)
haha i can relate to so many of these :L
Fabby blog (:
Wow!Great! You are very welcome!
I liked your 10 facts, very cool, thanks for sharing;-)
hi, I've been reading your blog for a while but never commenting.. can't remember how I stumbled upon your site but your positive attitude and fun posts make me come back (not to mention you take great pictures!). thanks for sharing!
ps: you remind me a lot of the british actress "saffron burrows", especially in her movie "bank job"!
This is such a cute post!!
I can relate to number two and number 8 :P
xox, mavi
Can't believe a med student is afraid of needles... I've never seen that one before...
love :)
loved this one, so cute and personal!
i fall in love with strangers all the time too! I like making up backgroud stories. Your english is really good, I wish I was bilingual (my three years of french have yet to pay off)
Such a great post, I enjoyed reading about you! Big fan of leather-bound books myself!
I'm so with you on the shoes! All those pairs are stunning.
Really enjoyed reading this as well. I am mad for shoes too! LAst Tuesday I bought my first pair of boots of the season... and we had 37ºC in Madrid, jajajjajja
aww cute post~~ omg is that jakob lodwick in #6??
*laugh* you sound like a taurus! i'm with you for the luxury and the books - I didn't learn to read until later in life, but i have one of the biggest book collections of anyone I know. Lovely to learn more about you! xo
You are awesome. So glad you got the award for it. :)
I loved your answers on #'s 2, 3, 5, 6 -(don't tell!!) and 8 and 10. ;)
Haha amazing list dear! I am a total magpie too, I positively squeal at the sight of sparkly things. And English is my second language too, although I naturally have a British accent ;) Hope you're having a lovely day dear :)
Love this post! I know exactly what you mean about rewatching/listening to things over and over =]
I can relate to most of what you wrote here.
Love your blog!
i love your blog and this is such a cute post! the pictures were really awesome as well, i loved the one with needles. odd as im afraid of needles too...
everytime I'm asked to write something about me I say "I don't know what to say about me" and I really don't know. I don't really know how long took you to write this but it's amazing how many beautiful things you can say about yourself!
Starting from today I'll do a draft on my blog where I'll start writing things about me so when I'll be asked I'll know what to tell ;)
Congrats for the article!
I really love that song. And we defineitly have number six in common! I'm so glad i'm not alone!!! Those romantic movies and stories fer sure have me brain washed!
You seem to know yourself so well. English is my second language too, and I am not to friendly with needles either. Great post, can relate to several things.
delightful post :D Even if I've never become a med student (even if I wanted to) nr 4 still has it's manifestations :)) and, well, nr. 2 it's sooo me :))
I love this one! I can relate with everything you said here (except number 1 (I wish!!!) and 4 (I'm afraid of blood and everything med related))- actually it's a little bit scary!:)
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