Start of uni and I am lacking sleep but thankfully, not lacking in shows. Castle (Nathan Fillion is too charming sometimes, really!) and Merlin. And lets not forget today's episodes of House & Gossip Girl. Thank god for teevee ;D
I was talking with my darling girl Roxana last week about how we both can't wait for a good shopping spree. Shoes were of course the most important subject, but we also clicked on two desires: shiny leather leggings and baggy, harem pants.
Yes, we are not only jumping on the bandwagon, we are driving it :)) So of course, me being me, I started scouting for photos. Inspiration, how much I love thee! Now I just need the actual pieces of clothing and all will be well.
I was talking with my darling girl Roxana last week about how we both can't wait for a good shopping spree. Shoes were of course the most important subject, but we also clicked on two desires: shiny leather leggings and baggy, harem pants.
Yes, we are not only jumping on the bandwagon, we are driving it :)) So of course, me being me, I started scouting for photos. Inspiration, how much I love thee! Now I just need the actual pieces of clothing and all will be well.

I'm not a huge fan of The Hills (but I surprisingly love The City) but I love LC's outfit.

If you could also give methe jacket in the last photo, I would love you forever and a day!

Note to self: heels, heels and more heels!

I admit it, I posted this because I love their entire outfits and not just the leggings.

Emma Watson is looking incredibly cute lately! And of course, Mary-Kate coul not be missing from this.

Pandora. Go and love!


Besides the leggings, another thing I need (and the darling tis serendipity agrees with me): pretty, shiny, black leather jacket. Yes, yes.
The reason why I think I'm starting to like these is because after all the skinny jeans in my closet, these just look so comfy. And kinda hot with the right pair of heels.

Can you say 'oh my god, can I be you?'

Balmain and Ralph Lauren know how to make them work.

I know I risk repeating myself, but shoes!!
source: justjared, tfs, jak&jill, stylesightings, the sartorialist, fakingfashion, altamira.
Song of the Day: The Kills - U R A Fever
Great picks.
I agree, LC's outfit there is adorable besides that show annoying me like mad.
And I second the "Oh my God, can I be you?" comment.
So many good photos! I like LC's simple style but wish I could afford all those Chanel bags she totes around all day. Love all the shoes and the Balmain jacket stands out a mile!
I dont know if I'm going to wear the harem pants. I'll have to try some on. I do like them on others though.
Nathan Fillion is charming indeed. mi-a lipsit de cand cu Firefly (genial, pacat ca l-au anulat dupa un singur sezon - they always brake my hear this way), shiny leggins, heels - I go crazy for them:)
GG was great! I wish for more Nate/Blair though!
hey you!
i have been going through your blog regularly for a couple of months now and i must confess that it is really inspiring. looking at it makes me want to be more... alive. it makes me want to experiment, add a bit more color, taste and smell to every day. nice job! congrats!
anywayz, must tell! i recognized you one day on the street. you are prettier than in your photos. for real!
Love this post - the photo journey is fabulous :)
I could possibly take on the liquid legging trend as I do like the look of it on others but I don't think I have the gams for it (I need pins, have tree trunks instead).
However, the only harem pant I would touch would be the Ralph Lauren ones. I wouldn't even consider those harem, they just look like tapered, relaxed slacks. They work to me because of the silk material and subtleness...otherwise harems are a BIG no no in my book!
I REALLY want the harems. But at 5 foot 2, I'm just not sure I can risk stumpifying myself. *sniffle*
Nathan Fillion is THE man. He can do no wrong. Did you see him in that pie movie with Felicity?
I am going to Rousse tomorrow to see my grandparents and I am planning to visit Bucharest. Can you tell me what should I visit there and which is the best place to shop, may be a mall.
Thanks Anna
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Lauren looks fab in those leggings and the shoes. Never seen that photo before, I think it's my favourite look of hers ever.
I do like some of the cool leggings out there...I'm just not convinced people should be allowed to wear them as pants!
Style overload, soooo much amazing stuff in these photos!! And The City is a secret addiction of mine, I love curling up on the sofa with my teddy bear and watching the drama lol.
whoa.. love the harem pants! unfortunately, I'm too short for harem pants..
and GG is awesome!
Ahhh how totally cool! XDD haha you mentioned me too! how sweet... heh still have yet to find that elusive leather jacket...
i love this post. Full of fantastic inspirational photos. I haven't checked out the streetstyle blogs in ages aghh so many awesome things each day.
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