Came back from Turkey and was expecting peace and quiet. Instead it all felt like someone forgot to lift their finger off the fast forward button. Ah, I love the sound of people I don't fancy running around my house every morning. Except I would not miss you at all if you left!!
Trying to get in the vacation mindset now. Deep breath in...
... and let the lazying around begin!
Trying to get in the vacation mindset now. Deep breath in...
... and let the lazying around begin!
(click most photos for bigger)

I loved the pool at the hotel!!

Now how did you expect me not to gain 2kgs when that was the dessert table at every meal? Yummy, syropy, creamy, 1000-calorie goodies!

Turkish night! Dancing and wine and more dancing!

Such beautiful costumes.

The belly dancer managed to convince/force some men to dance with her. Hilarity ensued :))

The bazaars. An eclectic mix of kitsch and colors and sounds, you honestly felt like all your senses went into complete overdose!

Me at the best pub in Kusadasi, an Irish pub with great music, adorable waiters and good food!

Live music at the pub! The guy even sang Kings of Leon songs!
(and yeah, it figures I found the only Irish pub there and stick with it like peanut butter to bread :))

Turkish icecream and the funny people making it. People there are always ready for a photo.

Kusadasi, a surprisingly modern city!

The first photo is for any Romanians reading this. The sign says, in really bad grammar: "You are my Romanian brothers. For you, everything almost free." I love the subtle almost squished into there!
And Turkey is the best place to find fake bags, they had every it bag you can imagine.

Lucky Turkish eyes!

And the best shop ever. You know those people that, after you've finished talking with them, leave you with a warm happy feeling in the pit of your stomach? He was exactly that! A man that should be in the pages of a novel.

Of course I couldn't leave without a photo with them. He also said I had the aura of a she-devil ;))

Last change spent on food in the airport.

Wherever I go, it's good to know some things never change!
Song of the Day: Panic(!) at the Disco - New Perspective
Still bummed that Panic is no more, but this song makes me feel slightly better.
(click most photos for bigger)

I loved the pool at the hotel!!

Now how did you expect me not to gain 2kgs when that was the dessert table at every meal? Yummy, syropy, creamy, 1000-calorie goodies!

Turkish night! Dancing and wine and more dancing!

Such beautiful costumes.

The belly dancer managed to convince/force some men to dance with her. Hilarity ensued :))

The bazaars. An eclectic mix of kitsch and colors and sounds, you honestly felt like all your senses went into complete overdose!

Me at the best pub in Kusadasi, an Irish pub with great music, adorable waiters and good food!

Live music at the pub! The guy even sang Kings of Leon songs!
(and yeah, it figures I found the only Irish pub there and stick with it like peanut butter to bread :))

Turkish icecream and the funny people making it. People there are always ready for a photo.

Kusadasi, a surprisingly modern city!

The first photo is for any Romanians reading this. The sign says, in really bad grammar: "You are my Romanian brothers. For you, everything almost free." I love the subtle almost squished into there!
And Turkey is the best place to find fake bags, they had every it bag you can imagine.

Lucky Turkish eyes!

And the best shop ever. You know those people that, after you've finished talking with them, leave you with a warm happy feeling in the pit of your stomach? He was exactly that! A man that should be in the pages of a novel.

Of course I couldn't leave without a photo with them. He also said I had the aura of a she-devil ;))

Last change spent on food in the airport.

Wherever I go, it's good to know some things never change!
Song of the Day: Panic(!) at the Disco - New Perspective
Still bummed that Panic is no more, but this song makes me feel slightly better.
Loved the photos of your travel, I wish I was still a student so i could have vacations :(
Loved the photos of your travel, I wish I was still a student so i could have vacations :(
Beautiful photos. Turkey looks perfect - the scenery, jewellery, people, food, culture...I want to go!
Lovely! Such a bummer that coming back is rather bitter sweet!:)
Oooh lovely trip! I would gorge myself on that dessert table!
Wow amazing pictures! Seems like you had a great time! Yes Starbucks rules! xxoxoxo
beautfiul pictures! sounds like you had a fun trip!
Nice pictures! Oh, how i miss lazy holiday days!
nice pics. love the starbucks. and i miss it :( and love the markets and the pictoresque look and the rush... looks you had lots of fun...
Wow, I'd go crazy there, with all that gorgeous jewelry; I'd need some Starbucks just to have enough energy to rifle through it all. ;]
Love the shoes in that first shot!!
By the way, I consider a day that is rountine-less horrid as well, I feel "rushed" and grumpy; my Mother calls me an Old Lady because of it. lol.. ;]
Oh ryan ross how i shall miss your music haha!
That looks like such a beautiful experince, i'm very jealous! Everything just looks so cultured and bright and engaging!
I hope you have a good time relaxing off your vacation and enjoy looking through the pictures again and again, i know i would :)
Turkey looks amazing! I hope you had a marvelous trip--the hotel pool certainly looks soothing...
Beautiful photos ^_^ Looks like you had a fab time.
amazing blog!
love it so much!
exchange links?
love Lara
beautiful pictures dear, hope you had a great [and romantic] time there :)
Turkey must be amazing! it's one of the places i want to visit soon, and also would be a chance to see again 2 good friends from there.
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