I really like apples and it amused me so much when I noticed that today's picture is not the first (and believe me, certainly not the last) that has me with an apple in it.
I think my obsession started when I started spending 8 hours a day at school and between 5 to 10 hours at uni now. The only food would always be snack foods or fast food and I can not survive on something like that. So the Bringing of the Apples (yes, it does deserve capitalization) started and never stopped!
I love the taste of apple, be them green, red, yellow, sweet or sour, small or big. My colleagues in school used to laugh at the fact that there was not a day where I did not have an apple with me and now my university colleagues are doing the same. I have been dubbed the apple girl by my group today so this post is dedicated to all the apple trees that keep me healthy and full every day :)

The weather is really weird right now, not making up its mind. So because I really wanted to wear my white lace tights, a little bit of layering was needed, hence the black tights under!

Welcome to anatomy class, take a seat and close your eyes for the next 4 hours"

Dika, tights: both from
Golden Point, boots:
Musette, belt: from an
H&M dress, bracelets:
Diva, headband:
thrift, silver badge: