Saturday, 4 February 2012

"Oh I could bury you alive, but you might crawl out with a knife and kill me when I'm sleeping"

Except It Is
Before getting into medical school, I would marathon House M.D. like my life depended on it, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the long words they used and the cases they anguished over before magically solving them in the last 5 minutes but, 5 years later, I can definitely say two things: it's never this magical or interesting (sorry, no penis fish around here) and it is Lupus surprisingly often. That'll teach us to live vicariously through tv shows.


Surgery rotation yet again and one too many conversations about jaundice than I could normally stand. But thank the gods for the pancreas to keep one interested and the food, oh yes the hospital food which is so extremely delicious at this particular one that for this striking tastebud delight I would brave the snowy streets and the dark underground tunnels daily. (Old hospitals are great as they're designed like bunkers with tunnels and passageways that are perfect for those days when the snow is mushy and you're wearing nothing but scrubs, flats and your underwear and there is no way you are walking out that door, hell to the no!).

(I also started writing this post last week and then life decided to throw a banana peel on the floor and watch me slip around like in a bad Charlie Chaplin movie rip-off. But after a few days of hell, things are falling back into their rightful place again, I am laying off the emotional eating, everyone is back to being nice and healthy and I can get to wear anything else but scrubs so I guess we all get our victories where we can.)


My Week In The Golden Age

The problem to being pulled at from all directions is that sometimes I give up on certain things, like healthy eating and taking care of my hair. When I've been away for too long from the great invention of our century, shampoo for colored hair, I stick to faking it with the help of a few bobby pins and youtube how-to videos.

My Week In The Golden Age

The red lips are also a great mode of distraction. More "Fuck yeah, trendy red lipstick!" and less "Umm, I know you're all sorts of busy because you want to be the less whiny Dr. Meredith Gray with an addiction to watching too many movies and tv shows but come on, do something about that hair!"

My Week In The Golden Age


Two Peas In a Pot

If The Boy is too distracted by Assassin's Creed and on the side of curious, one can get away with things like these. We are fighting gender stereotypes as we breathe :))


Late Snowflakes

I was one of the lucky ladies who were invited by the Romanian fashion house Tina R. to model one of their t-shirts from their new collection and when I saw the piece they hand in mind I just could not say no.

I drove The Boy crazy with my random exclamations of "It's so fluffy" and weird excitement as I grabbed him by the collar and walked him out to the garden to have an improvised photoshoot as the first snowflakes turned everything a dainty white.
(Thinking about it now, as the whole country is under mountains of ice and the walk to the corner store feels like fighting the damn Frost Giants on their own turf, our excitement feels annoying in retrospect.)

Late Snowflakes

Late Snowflakes

For the Romanian readers and fashion lovers, Tina R is also holding a cute mother/daughter fashion contest!

Tu şi mama ta sunteţi fane TinaR? Dacă tu ai între 18 şi 30 de ani iar ea, între 38 şi 50, trimite-ne o poză cu voi două la până în 12 februarie! Intraţi automat în selecţia celor 5 cupluri splendide mamă-fiică pentru shootingul campaniei de primăvară-vară TinaR. Şedinţa foto de grup se va desfăşura în Bucureşti, în a treia săptămână din februarie, iar vizualurile vor ajunge în vitrinele magazinelor noastre, în martie! În 2012, TinaR sărbătoreşte 18 ani de modă românească. Bucură-te şi tu alături de noi, la majorat!

Late Snowflakes Late Snowflakes

Late Snowflakes

Late Snowflakes

Wearing: Heart T-shirt courtasy of Tina R (get it here!), Zara skirt and cardigan, Mango coat,Accessorize tights, Nine West boots.

Late Snowflakes

Late Snowflakes

More of them here :-)

Late Snowflakes

Late Snowflakes

Late Snowflakes

The next time I walked out in the snow without gloves ended with me sitting with my hands in a sink full of cold water yelling after my mom if we have any vasodilators in the house and wondering how red my hands will get before they get blue and fall off. Winter, you are not as awesome as the Coca Cola commercials make you seem.

Late Snowflakes


Highly recommended for your reading pleasure: The Art of Fielding and The Night Circus, two wonderful books that will have you turning pages (or clicking buttons, depending on one's choice of medium) in a frenzy. They go well with a comfy couch, a nice cup of tea and gingerbread.

Electronic Bookworm

That photoshoot was also the last time I got to walk out of the house with another purpose than hospital visits or trips to the grocery store. The Boy and I did have a mental breakdown this Sunday and we melted our brains at the cinema and saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol which was just the perfect dose of corny and vapid with a pinch of kaboom to offer a intellectual respite. (And also: the car, the perfect car!!)

I also tried my brain at watching Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy but I zoned out after the beginning credits and all I could tell you is that Gary Oldman is King and that Benedict Cumberbatchmakes a weird blonde. Will investigate further today, fingers crossed!

(But I am sure that even after a more serious viewing, I will still be in the Gary Oldman is King camp.)
