Very close to turning these into breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout all of summer. And a side order of cupcakes just for the hell of it.
Summer vacation. No, no, wait, I need to hear that again. Summer. Vacation. Yup, that's the sound of a choir of angels singing and dancing in circles around my head. After what's been a too long of a school year, summer is here and I am ready to enjoy it to the max.
Which means I give myself a couple of weeks before I'm bored out of my skull and trolling Medscape.com or begging doctors to please, oh please let me lurk around hospital corridors and shadow them like the clingy little creature that I am.
But so far everything is all double rainbows all the way. I've been sleeping like a sloth, finally tackled my To Read bookcase and marathoning tv shows and movies while eating abnormal amounts of junkfood. If there's a Heaven, this is it. (Us med students are too easy to please.)
I also marathoned Harry Potter and I am getting so excited about Deathly Hallows Pt 2. If I had a wizarding hat and a wand I would be wearing those all day while bouncing up and down going oh boy, oh boy, oh boy but I am trying to act all mature. Mature-ish. That's it, until I get to the cinema, then it is buh-bye to maturity cause I've been waiting for this moment even since I were a kid. Woop woop!
One amazing part of having all this free time all of the sudden: I get to meet up with amazing people. And I do mean the sweet and funny Alice. We met up twice and the first time we spent a ridiculous amount of hours talking about our love for Supernatural, Matt Bomer in suits, british tv shows and, really, just tv shows in general.
Don't you just love it when you can just click with someone? :-)
Improvised photoshoots in the middle of one of the busiest city squares are always much more fun when it's all for blogger bonding, don't you think?

Wearing: Zara blazer and pants, H&M bow tee, Nine West heels, Musette bag.
And I'm taking this opportunity to thank Alice for letting me tag along to the way too enjoyable for words Starbucks coffee date with her, Denisa, Anca, Stella and Mina who is currently back in Romania for her own summer break.
I can't even describe how wonderful it was to be sitting at the same table with all those lovely, witty and extremely chic ladies ♥

It was so hot that day that even my short and backless dress made it insufferable to stay out in the sun. Apparently Romania's seasons are Gloomy & Rainy and Scortching & Sunny, with a few moments of Normal stuck in between.
But of course it can't be a blogger meet up without a shoe fest so awesome it will have a fashionista drop dead from too much awesome.

Wearing: Zara dress & heels, vintage bracelet.

My summer vacation is turning out to be better than I expected.

My summer vacation is turning out to be better than I expected.
(I do miss my scrubs though. Just a little. The iced lattes and good books will have to fill that hole, I think.)