Power of concentration, I'm doing it wrong.
I've also managed to run through all the Oscar movies of the year (minus A Single Man because the gods don't want me to bask in the awesomeness that is a Tom Ford/Colin - I love you Mister Darcy - Firth masterpiece) and all the seasons of The Big Bang Theory (Sheldon Cooper, you are insane but I love you).
Surprisingly, my sleeping hours have been slightly chaotic. It's not my fault books get interesting right before bedtime. And it's not my fault they're running Star Trek: The Original Series only at night on tv, I do not have the will to say no to Spock.
Spare time makes the mind go geekier and geekier apparently and makes me also want to screencap every movie I own. And this post is brought to you just by that!
I watched Nine some time ago and liked it. I didn't love it because it disappointed in certain departments (it lacked cohesiveness and focus, the songs weren't as strong as I was expecting, the characters weren't very into character), because maybe I loved Fellini's 8 1/2 Weeks too much and this "adaptation" just grazed the surface.
But. I am sucker for beautiful images and, like a magpie loves shiny things for their shiny and not their total worth, I fell in love with the visuals of this film. Give me anything resembling Broadway and I melt like a chocolate ice cream in the sun.
Enjoy the beautiful photos and hopefully next time I'll be posting here from my own (my preciousssss....) internet connection and stop stealing it from where I can. Fingers crossed!

Overture Delle Donne

"Kiss your fevered little brow, Pinch your cheeks till you say ow"
A Call from the Vatican (Penelope Cruz)

"So you little Italian devils, You want to know about love? Saraghina will tell you.
If you want to make a woman happy, you lie on what you’re born with"
Be Italian (Fergie)

"I love the dark handsome guys with their skinny little ties dressing mod looking out of sight
I love to watch them as they cruise with their pointy leather shoes wearing shades in the middle of the nights"
Cinema Italiano (Kate Hudson)

"Now take it right between your thighs, you grabbed for everything, my friend,
but don't you see that in the end there will be nothing left of me?"
Take It All (Marion Cotillard)

screencaps by me
Song of the Day:
Florence and the Machine & Dizzy Rascal - You've Got the Love