I think if this were a movie, I'd be stepping out from behind a corner with a huge sign saying "I'm alive!" and a very very sorry look on my face. My poor little blog has been forgotten lately and I apologize for that. But I'm not too sorry because the reason why it has been abandoned for this past month is because I have been going out and partying so much that the only online activity I bothered to do was check out my farm on Facebook's Farmville :))
I hope everyone is having an amazing Christmas holiday. For me, the past couple of weeks have been amazing. I can say that this has been the best Christmas of my life! Thanks Santa, you sure made it up for a less than stellar year :)
I am now back on the blogging front and I bring a bucket load of photos that I hope will make up for my absence :)
I hope everyone is having an amazing Christmas holiday. For me, the past couple of weeks have been amazing. I can say that this has been the best Christmas of my life! Thanks Santa, you sure made it up for a less than stellar year :)
I am now back on the blogging front and I bring a bucket load of photos that I hope will make up for my absence :)
In the past month or so, I've done the following things:
+ IReadFaces photo exhibit and a long night spent playing pool (or cheering from the sidelines like yours truly ;). And even though I did not enjoy the photos that much and I came out of the pool place smelling like the ashtray of a mafia lord, I have to say it was one of the best decisions I took this year. Prietenele stiu de ce ;)

Of course the Twitter gang was there and ready to make fun of anything!

Me lazying around. My hand-eye coordination is close to zero so I always get the cheerleading spot ;)
+ Saw the boys from Eloize live and they were pretty freaking awesome. Also got to party at the Foreign Languages and Political Sciences freshman's ball, a place I never thought I'd end up on a Thursday night!

I need to get me a pair of glasses like these (that I borrowed/stole from a friend)

+ Was lucky to be invited to a lovely meeting so perfectly named Tweet Chic Meet. Finally got to put a face and a voice to the name of some of my favorite bloggers. It was an evening of great talks over yummy coffee and tea and I cannot wait for the next one!

Carola's Musings, A Lady Look, AloModa, Alexandra Ivan and yours truly. Now that's what I call some great company, don't you agree?
+ Some nights have been spent in The Silver Church dancing to The Proclaimers - 500 Miles (any How I Met Your Mother fan will get it) a fact that was both fun and unfortunate because there was always something to do in the morning the next day, like going to the Poetry Readings at the Gaudeamus Book Fest.

Favorite club? I think so!

+ Seeing Alexandra & Alec live for the first time. Their music sounds like happiness and love wound around the chords of a guitar. Listen and you'll see that I am right. It also helps that they are two utter sweethearts! Pandutzu and I joined forces for a review here and you'll find my photos here :)

+ Nights lost with friends. And by lost I actually mean enjoyed like hell!

+ Some days lost on hospital hallways and between two many coffee cups. Pathology is kicking my ass daily.

How awesome is the fact that I have elvish writing carved into my school desk? J.R.R. Tolkien would be proud!
+ Starbucks! And more Starbucks! Can't help it, I love them Vanilla Soy Latte's and the fact that they always let me stay even after the place is closed and that the guys there never mind the fact that we order pizza while enjoying our lattes. So many hearts!

+ A night spent dancing to and photographing Kumm (they sound so great live!) and a morning spent drinking tea and meeting people at Mos Nicolae Tweet Meet. All in all, that was a lovely weekend.

(Thanks to whoever took this photo of me at MosNicolaeTweetMeet. Drop me a line so I'll know who to credit!)

+ Christmas! Need I say more?

+ A lot of coffee shops. A lot of food eaten. A lot of nights spent sneaking back into the house.

+ Roxu's birthday being spent in the best way ever: an Alexandrina Hristov concert.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know: my friends are gorgeous ;)
+ Cuddling to Alexandra & Alec's music and then crashing office parties!

+ Another evening spent giving out books on subways in the Lecturi Urbane project. So many books enjoyed and so many surprised looks on people's faces. And then a lovely celebratory party with an improvised photoshoot and hot wine! A lot more photos here!

+ Two concerts, one evening: E.M.I.L (photos!) and The Amsterdams (more photos!). My ears enjoyed that night very very much :)

The E.M.I.L fans were the craziest ones I've ever seen yet at the same time the most fun to photograph. Those guys sure loved that concert!
+ Huge blizzards are made to be admired from warm bistros while enjoying some homemade gingerbread. But us being us, of course a snow fight was bound to happen and it was epic!

I got my wish: a white Christmas!
+ ArtTweetMeet where people painted and crafted and were creative.

I got to show off my blinking lights Christmas earrings!

And made the best tee ever: all you Big Bang Theory fans, who wants to play rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock?
+ Pre-Christmas party. Much fun was had, and much drink was drunk.

And that is my past month in a nutshell. A big, bouncy, giddy, bursting at the seams nutshell. I can say that I am gonna enter the new year yelling "woo hoooo" while toasting a bottle of champagne and smiling so hard that even the Cheshire cat would run in shame.
Yup, that sounds like a good plan, doesn't it?
Happy New Year everyone and lets have a glamorous 2010!
Yup, that sounds like a good plan, doesn't it?
Happy New Year everyone and lets have a glamorous 2010!
Songs of the Month:
30 Seconds to Mars - Kings and Queens
Cobra Starship - Hot Mess
The Killers - Don't Shoot Me Santa
Billy Mack - Christmas Is All Around
Kumm - Pop Song