Sunday, 2 December 2012

"Welcome to the new age."

Captain Twat
Welcome to the family, little puppy. 


Like I mentioned in the last post, The Boy and I bit the bullet and got a puppy 2 months ago. We had been talking about it for ages and one night we sat down for a coffee with a friend and one hour later we had the number of a lady who had a new litter of Beagle puppies and a few weeks later we had our adorable little ball of fur :) We named him Captain after Captain James Tiberius Kirk (we are trekkies all the way) and Captain America (cause I was still in an Avengers fangirl craze).

He is a Beagle through and through. He play bites and he chews all the furniture and I was without internet for a few days cause he ate the cable, he eats anything and he will eat us out of house and home if we let him but we love him so much so we forgive him for being a batshit crazy little fucker.


Day one of Captain being a member of the family.

Captain Twat

He was still shy back then, no chewing of shoes and no stealing of food. 

Captain Twat Captain Twat

Captain Twat

Captain Twat

He fit in the palm of your hand. So of course we forgive him for all the crazy things he does.

Captain Twat

Captain Twat

His bed used to be a shoe box. Today, his bed is any surface he deems to be his because he has the attitude of a dictator and I think, in his mind, he believes we're all here to make his life easier. 


Captain Twat

Fast forward a couple of months and 6 kilograms later and the ears are still floppy, the teeth are sharpe and the nickname "The Vacuum Cleaner" fits better and better with every passing day.

Captain Twat  Captain Twat

Captain Twat

Don't be fooled by that face, deep down he thinks he's a Rottweiler.

Captain Twat

Captain Twat Captain Twat

Wearing: Zara swetare, jeans and boots, Bershka leather jacket.

Captain Twat

Captain Twat

I love this little bastard :)

Captain Twat

And we forgive him for everything because he makes us laugh. Even when he sleeps.

Captain Twat


Saturday, 24 November 2012

"Do the wiggle, man."

Festival Dance Moves 
Because a picture is worth a thousand words, this picture probably sums out my summer better than anything else. Being lazy and drinking beer and forgetting, for a little while, that in an year's time I shall have to be a responsible adult. Bliss sometimes means just shutting down.


Contrary to popular belief, I am dead but just lacking in making my online presence known. These past few months I've used my internet connection for nothing but silently lurking on Tumblr to stare at photos of Ben Whishaw and to watch my fill of new tv shows and yell at them when the characters are being idiots (I'm looking at you, The Walking Dead!)

In a nutshell: I've started my 6th and final year of medical school so I am stuck dangling between uncontrollable panic and peaceful zen like stupidity. Give me a few more months and I'll probably be rendering Jack Nicholson's performance in The Shining. I've gotten a puppy, his name is Captain and he is an adorable little fucker who will probably not rest until he has chewed or peed on all of The Boy's and my possessions. I've developed a new obsession for all the stars of Skyfall. And I've read almost all of The Sandman comics that have graced my hands and laptop screen.

In other words, how do you adult and can I get the magical formula in a bottle to drink with my morning breakfast of gummi bears?


Because my camera and I have been on a break (for the better, trust me, as I now have the artistic capabilities of a knat) I will bore you with photos from my summer holiday. More precisely, from the week I spent in a beer fueled craze at the Sziget Festival in Budapest.

Can't talk about the festival without talking about Budapest though. If I were a bitter kind of person (and heaven forbid, I am not. Really. Stop laughing.) I would be very jealous of the people who get to live in such a magnificent city. I had already been there once but it was just for a night and I accidentally got drunk on a boat tour and then walked in circles for an hour trying to find my hotel so all my memories were a blur.

It's the kind of city I want to visit again and again and again, just getting lost on the streets and then being an absolute tourist and stopping at the nearest pub and eating till I burst and I rarely miss a city this much after visiting it. So you go Budapest, keep on being a beautiful bitch till I see you next!

Festival Dance Moves 
See, it's like this pretty jewel on the river. I am so glad I am not a nasty person by nature or else I'd hate it just for the principle.

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves 
We didn't get too much sightseeing in our daily schedule because we always woke up late then spent some extra time at Starbucks hoarding the wi-fi like it was a lifeline (I have no idea what you mean by addiction, ahem!) but what we did see was very nice. (Pictured up there is The Parliament which was designed around the phrase Needs More Gold.)

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves
Don't let the water bottle in that photo fool you, that was just our first day before we realized the beer was cheap and easy to get at any moment of the day. We also wobbled around like headless chicks for the first day due to me being the only person in history who cannot wear a pair of Converse without getting open wounds.

Festival Dance Moves
 But I gotta me honest, my favorite place in Budapest was the zoo where for a few hours we forgot we were actually full fledged adults and ran around buying balloons and petting any animal that was not a) poisonous or b) likely to view us as a walking McDonald's menu. I went a bit crazy over the Sloths. And I admit it, if I could have fooled the security, I would've run out of there clutching this little fellow while yelling "MINE!". (In this photo I was probably having a happiness attack and mumbling incoherently about his face.)


And now, the reason why we packed all our favorite summer clothes in one car and drove halfway around the country: the festival!

Festival Dance Moves

It's gonna sound annoying when I say it but you had to be there to be able to imagine the immensity and the craziness that they could fit into one tiny island. Just keep in mind this: we decided to walk around the place one day and got so tired halfway around the island that we just gave up and stopped for whiskey. And next time I get there I will bring myself some costumes because even with my glow in the dark devil horns headband I fell in the absolutely ordinary side of the scale.
(Costumes, in order of importance, will include: Batman, Kermit the Frog, Ezio from Assassin's Creed, one of the members of LMFAO.)

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves

I got to headbang to Korn, felt like a teenager while screaming the lyrics to Placebo, danced to The Killers and really danced to Snoop Dogg Lion and his pot smoking dog mascot, wiggled wiggled wiggled to LMFAO, realized I know all the lyrics to all the Sum 41 songs, sat on the grass and let Paolo Nutini serenade me, and went crazy for The Subways. And so much more.
Festival Dance Moves

And I went on a ferris wheel and realized at the top that I have a serious fear of heights. The Boy was very helpful and by that I mean he spent the whole ride laughing at my pain. (It's okay, that's how we show or love for each other.)

Festival Dance Moves

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves

We saw The XX kill it at their show. And I never realized that one thing that was missing from my life was a marching band that plays Journey on loop.

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves

Mojitos in a bucket, enough said. We also flirted with the idea of going drinking in the sky high bar but after my unfortunate experience with the ferris wheel I realized it'd end poorly for everyone involved. (And I don't know how to say in hungarian "Hey, sorry I puked on you and then clutched your hand in a death grip while mumbling prayers to all the gods in history.")

Festival Dance Moves

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves
Apparently, you can live on nothing but Slushies, alcohol and fried food.

Festival Dance Moves Festival Dance Moves

Festival Dance Moves
The guy in the pig suit didn't want to be in the photo but the chicken dude made up for it in his enthusiasm.

Best summer ever.

Festival Dance Moves


Song of the Day: LMFAO - Sexy and I know It
(But of course :))

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

"Forget the bull in the china shop, there's a china doll in the bullpen."

Behind Bars
Sometimes I dream about buying a pair of comfy sneakers but we all know I'm never gonna wear them outside a hospital so at least I can be honest about this to myself and that shows important personal growth for me this summer. Or something ;))


I cannot believe summer is officially over. Okay, mostly I dont want to accept this fact because the more I think about the fact that I am starting my last year of medical school the more I need to curl up in a fetal position clutching a pillow and just wallow in my own pit of despair and bitter tasting anguish. Yes, I am refusing to accept reality and substituting my own, haha, what are coping mechanisms?

(How do you adult and where can I order the crash course?)

But summer was fun and thrilling and so goddamn enjoyable that I am not bitter at all it's ending. Or not too bitter, at least. I spent my last real vacation doing what I do best: bumming around, drinking my weight in beer, reading books and getting a tan for the first time in years.

And I have a feeling on the first day of uni I am going to be scared like hell yet unnaturally giddy. And hungover. Oh yes, so very hungover.


Behind Bars

Note to self: when you're getting up the next day at 6 am to have coffee with The Boy before he leaves for work, do not think that watching the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (extended edition, of course) is a good idea because in the morning you will look like you got run trampled by the entire orc forces of Mordor. (I've got dark circles like Sauron has anger management issues.)

(Also: thank the gods The Boy already loves me or else my screams of "Aragorn, what is your face!" and "Samwise Gamgee, you are a special precious snowflake!" would have scared him off forever.)

Behind Bars

Behind Bars

Shoes that have metal pointy ends work because they can be used as a weapon and a fashion statement. I just need a pair that has knives for heels and I'll be ready to take over the world as soon as I can move my ass off the couch.

Behind Bars

Nail-polish inspiration: The Sandman comics by the formidable Mr. Neil Gaiman. It is gruesome and funny and macabre and an amazing read.

Behind Bars

Wearing: Kotton dress, Zara shoes, Accessorize bracelet, no name tights and bracelets.



Because it's nice when you finish some good books (must reads for this summer: Cloud Atlas because it is breathtakingly beautiful, Sharp Teeth because it's vicious and bloody and World War Z because it's about zombies!!) and it's nice when you can wiggle your toes in the sand. Summer days being lazy and summer nights eating shawarma on the boardwalk under the full moon, yes please.

You can't have The Boy and I in the same room without some geek out moments. T-shirt from WeLoveFine and comic books from one of my favorite new coffee places, Comic Book City Cafe.


Road trips at night. They turned out to be more fun when the soundtrack was a two year old mixtape and I realized I heard most of these bands live a month back (more about The Amazing Beer Sponsored Adventures at the Dusty Sziget Festival, starring yours truly, in the next post) and when the company was a sleepy kitty, a finished highway and good friends.


Song of the Day: Dessa - The Bullpen